Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Negative vs. Positive

Negative vs. Positive

The child is happily playing in the house. The rest of the family are lost in their chores. The happiness of the child never attracts deep attention. While playing the child hurts herself and cries out. Now the whole family converges towards the child enquiring, "What happened?"  
Unaware, we program the subconscious of the child into believing that her crying draws more attention than her happiness. In future, even as she grows into an adult, whenever, she wants attention she will sink into some form of crying, from tears to depression to tantrums. Her emotion will seem so legitimate to her, though others may notice the incongruence. This is a subconscious choice and not a conscious one.
Most human beings sink into the depth of negative emotions with effortless ease because negative emotions always enjoy greater attention than positive ones. Alternately, they are very shallow in experiencing their positive emotions.
Learn from your failures and leave it at that. Don't get too emotional about it. Don't spoil your subconscious. Celebrate your success. Get every cell of yours involved. Pamper your subconscious.
Ill-health deserves nothing more than a passing remark. Oh, brag about your health and fitness. Let your subconscious know your preference. Speak the negative in 2 sentences and not less than 5 sentences for the positive. Ration your emotions for the negative and create an emotional flood for the positive. That's transformation.

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